Asian casino and entertainments firm Century Entertainment International Holdings Limited has reportedly announced that it is soon expecting to detail a net deficit for the twelve months to the end of last March of approximately $5.15 million.
According to a report from Inside Asian Gaming, the Hong Kong-listed firm is due to publish its most recent annual financial results before the end of the month and that the anticipated deficit will be similar to the about $5.04 million shortfall it chalked up for the preceding twelve-month period. The source detailed that the company used an official Friday filing to blame the projected upcoming loss on amortization and impairment charges associated with the ‘intangible assets’ of its gaming table and virtual r…
Tails of Iron – Análisis
Cuando un juego se describe como un RPG estilo Souls no hace más que confirmar la influencia que ha tenido FromSoftware en todo el género del rol de acción durante la última década. La sombra Demon’s Souls, Dark Souls o Bloodborne es muy alargada y aunque nadie ha logrado acercarse a la calidad de estos juegos si acaso Team Ninja- todos quieren atraer a este tipo de público. Tails of Iron es un nuevo juego de rol promocionado así, como un Souls-like, aunque en este caso no hablamos de una aventura 3D como han podido hacer otros sucedáneos Mortal Shell, NiOh,
Hellblade 2 – Análisis
Han pasado más de cuatro años desde que con un breve tráiler Ninja Theory nos pusiera los dientes largos por primera vez con lo que prometían las consolas de última generación, que salvo en algún caso muy concreto están tardando más de lo habitual en diferenciarse, en lo jugable y en lo técnico, de las máquinas que las precedieron. Senuas Saga: Hellblade 2 es una secuela que en lo mecánico no evoluciona ni altera demasiado lo que había en aquella producción “triple I” de 2017, pero no tiene ni punto de comparación en todo lo demás: es una auténtica superproducción, es cinematografía interactiva del mayor nivel, con un ritmo impresionante que no deja de ofrecer momentazos, con un tratamiento de la imagen y del sonido como pocas veces se ha…
Macau-based Sands China Ltd has announced that it has renewed its brand licensing agreement with its parent investor, Las Vegas Sands (LVS), for a period of 3 years, starting from January 2023. The agreement includes LVS granting Sands China a license to continue to use the LVS trademarks at a price of US $377 million.
New agreement:Venir de Tragamonedas Gratis Online
The agreement is scheduled to last from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2025.
Under the terms of the new International Trademark License Agreement, annual payments from Sands China are calculated based on a percentage of Sands China’s gaming (GGR) and non-gaming revenues and the total payment is 377 million US dollars…
After recently wrapping up its wildly popular 40-day Merry Prize Month promotion and in keeping with its strategy to supply to all European regulated markets, online casino software developer Playson will soon extend its reach to Switzerland, having secured a pair of deals in the new region.
Making the strategic move possible, the international brand has successfully completed the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 27001 audit, a necessary requirement of all prospective iGaming operators hoping to enter the Swiss market.
Integration process:
Playson can now begin to integrate games with the two new operator partners and is expected to launch in the Central European country’s newly regulated market in the coming weeks.V…